A new product on the market is the yacht and powerboat tracker. We have two different types to offer our clients. One type is a small piece of hardware that we fit discretely in your boat which not only provides the vessels location, it is also able to monitor the boats ignition state and through the app or platform the user can disable the vessel so it cannot be started. The second type is for boats that are not used quite so regularly, this unit is a little larger but also very discrete. This unit contains a lithium-ion battery with enough power to last around two months. Once the vessel is started the tracker charges or it can be charged via USB so as not to use the boats battery power when lying up. The history of both these trackers are stored on a secure server for up to six months in the event the user needs to see where the boat was on a specific date.
Virtual geo-fences can also be enabled to alert the user that the boat has left or entered predetermined areas, conveniently this can also be used as an anchor watch.